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"How to run this test?!"


TYR helps any Akeneo PIM developer to know how to launch a test file with the correct commands.

How to use?

Install the CLI tool on your machine:

# Download the .sh script
wget && chmod +x

# Make it available as a global command line
sudo mv /usr/local/bin/tyr

Now, when you want to know how to run a test, just type:

tyr full/path/to/your/TestFile.php  # make sure it's the path relative to the root of the project 

How does it work?

How to add instructions to run a test?

This tool is based on some .yml config files in the config/instructions folder, they are really simple, take a look at them.

1) Fork this repo or make the edit through GitHub web interface. 2) Either create or edit a .yml file in the config/instructions folder:

software: "pim-community-dev" # could be "pim-enterprise-dev", it's the name of the project in the composer.json file
version: "master"             # could a specific version, such as "6.0", "5.0", etc.

# Instructions live in this data array
    comment: "A unit test with PHPSpec" # Optional comment to help you organise the instructions
    # Any file starting with these folders will respond to the command.
    # Given folders are relative to the root of the project.
      - "tests/back/Acceptance/spec/"
      - "tests/back/Channel/Specification/"
      - "src/Akeneo/Channel/back/tests/Specification/"
    # The commands to run the test.
    # You can use the  variable, it will be replaced by the path of the file the user gave.
      - "APP_ENV=test docker-compose run -u www-data --rm php php vendor/bin/phpspec run "

3) Merge your new instructions into the main branch. 4) Deploy TYR on Heroku!

The new instructions will be available for everyone, you don’t need to re-install the CLI tool obviously.

Why Tyr?

Týr sacrifices his hand to the monstrous wolf Fenrir, who bites it off when he realizes the gods have bound him.